Since Andreas founded itrust in 2007, he has the overall responsibility of running the company. He focuses on both the company’s long-term plans and improvements to its day-to-day operations. When he is not consulting clients or managing projects, you can find him playing around on the command line of a UNIX-based system.

What you need to know about Andreas is that as a kid he was collecting Floppy Disks without even having a Computer. He still recalls the day when he got his first one, “a revolutionary AMSTRAD 6128” as he still refers to it. That being said, you can understand why he only applied for Information Science at the Technical University of Berlin (TU Berlin). Not surprisingly at all, he was accepted and completed his studies with an excellent degree. Upon completion of his undergraduate studies, he pursued an MBA in Thessaloniki. And guess what. He exceeded his expectations acquiring the diploma with an “Honorary Mention”.

Before itrust, Andreas had been working for 4 years as a researcher in the Research Institute of TU Berlin. Previous jobs included coaching basketball teams of all ages for 10 years and freelance IT consulting, the early version of what he is doing now.

Nowadays he still extends his education and knowledge by attending any Conference or Seminar regarding Marketing and Management he can. Not to mention the computer related magazines which have been piling up in the office and will someday take over the company.