Remarketing & Custom Audiences
Remarketing – Knowing your target audience
Remarketing allows you to track all the past visitors of your website or online store, analyze their onpage reactions and, based on that information, reach these potential customers, after they have abandoned your page and are about to start exploring their options on other online stores.
Remarketing is your portal to your target audience, a converter of potential customers to buyers. Statistically, only 2% of first time visitors of an online store convert. Remarketing gets your presence felt to the rest 98% of your visitors and brings them back to your store.
How does it work?
In digital marketing, remarketing and retargeting are two common, and particularly relative, terms. Most marketers tend to differentiate these two, by relating remarketing to after-sales email marketing and retargeting to display ads.
Practically, both these methods are part of the remarketing process, during which you try to expose your
brand/online store to your potential customers.
From a technical aspect, Remarketing can be set up by adjusting some coding tags on your website, to statistically track the actions of your visitors. These tags use anonymous targeting “cookies”, which create segmented lists, based on the level of interest of the visitors.
Our approach
At iTrust digital marketing agency, we don’t consider ourselves just a SEO Agency or a Google Ads Agency, we try to mix & match all the components that make a Marketing campaign successful.
Our approach is based on maximizing the multiplicative effects of online marketing; increase
the return of every advertising dollar spend.
One of the prerequisites for this, is the fine-tuning and use of Remarketing, as a tool that can bring back those customers that were interested in your products at first glance, but not enough to buy them.
That’s where our knowledge & know-how comes in to boost up your presence and exposure.
Why add Remarketing to your marketing arsenal
By using Remarketing, you can generate improved online sales, keeping close contact with all your “window shoppers” and be there when they’re ready to buy.
Your remarketing ads offer, among other things, increased brand visibility & exposure, as well as more
recognition among the customers.
The repeated, low cost exposure, in addition to typical high click-through rates and conversions are just a few, basic reasons, why Remarketing has to be a part of your Digital Marketing Strategy.
“It’s not uncommon to see amazing CTRs with retargeting, anywhere from 0.300.95% – which is 310x
higher than the industry average” Radko Vidakovic (MarketLand)
Remarketing Channels and best practices
Remarketing is a highly trending Marketing tool the past couple of years. Facebook & Google
have allowed and designed their own Remarketing features, each of which targets different audiences
and channels.
Facebook’s remaketing capability is laser-focused and as such efficient. It comes packed with features such as the formation/configuration of custom and lookalike audiences, to better communicate with your potential customers.
Google, on the other side, has achieved serious progress in this field, greatly improving the tracking as well as segmenting features, offering, at the same time, a vast variety of places where your “voice can be heard”.
An effective and worth trying Remarketing Campaign has to work in an integrated way, being able to count cross-sell, cross-device conversions and actions.
To achieve even better results, visitors segmenting and retargeting ads monitoring is mandatory. Another best practice is maintaining a clear call to action, as well as an offer promotion, to the ad creatives. Finally, it’s a necessary need to be able to adjust the remarketing time zones to your product or service.
Get in touch with us.
Learn how Remarketing can benefit your business and how it can be tailored to your
business needs. Now give us a call!