inbound marketing agency

Inbound Marketing

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Inbound marketing is the definitive way to create long-term, sustainable growth

At its very core, an inbound marketing campaign is all about offering the right content to the right people at the right time. It is a client-centric, honest and ethical approach to digital marketing strategy. Just as importantly, it is naturally suited to creating a solid foundation for long-term, sustainable growth for your business.

Unlike the traditional outbound marketing campaigns and philosophies of the past, inbound marketing focuses not on chasing down leads, but on creating value for potential customers right from the get-go of their customer journey. That way, businesses that embrace the inbound marketing methodology are able to constantly attract high quality leads and turn them into loyal customers.

After all, the whole point of inbound marketing strategies is to consistently show great results, attract leads, drive revenue, and create long-term, sustainable growth.

An inbound strategy is the perfect tool for your business growth – and that’s a fact.

This is why:  

  • Inbound marketing is cost-effective and yields long-term results, making it a great option for businesses of all sizes.
  • It’s applicable in virtually all markets, businesses, and niches – including your own.
  • It’s a great way to revisit your business’s positioning strategy, recreate your company’s identity, and reinvent the way you promote brand awareness.
  • It helps you build trust with your customers and create lasting relationships. It also allows you to track your results and measure your success.
  • Inbound marketing can be customized to fit the specific needs of your business. Whether you’re looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or boost sales, inbound marketing can help you reach your goals.
  • Compared to traditional outward marketing practices, inbound marketing is less expensive since it doesn’t necessitate the use of advertising space or the payment of additional forms of promotion.

On the flip side, implementing an inbound marketing strategy can be difficult if you do not have a good understanding of inbound marketing.  

Inbound marketing is all about creating quality content that attracts people to your website and helps you convert them into customers. If you do not know how to create quality content or how to attract people to your website, it will be difficult to implement an inbound marketing strategy.   

Additionally, it is important to have a solid plan for how you will generate leads and convert them into customers. Without a good plan, it will be difficult to see results from your inbound marketing strategy.  

This is where inbound marketing agencies come in.  

Get to building your business future with the right inbound marketing agency  

At iTrust, we’ve been doing inbound ever since inbound was first conceived, and far before it skyrocketed in popularity. In fact, our whole dogma and holistic approach to digital marketing at large is interwoven with the same values as inbound marketing: building relationships with potential customers and helping them solve their problems.  

If you’re going to adopt an inbound digital marketing strategy – and you should! – there are few others that know the ins and outs of inbound marketing strategies as intimately as we do.  

Take the leap with us and start building your future success today – one meaningful relationship at a time.  

Tell us all about your business goals 

itrust digital agency

Get unique solutions to unique problems with a holistic approach to digital marketing strategy

In today’s rapidly evolving digital marketing environment, every unique problem that surfaces requires a unique solution. And where traditional outbound marketing strategies fall short, the evergreen nature of inbound marketing can provide your business with the exact solutions you need:  

Inbound for B2B 

As a digital marketing agency, we’re big fans of inbound marketing for business-to-business (B2B) companies. Inbound is a great way to attract qualified leads and build relationships with potential customers. It’s also an effective way to nurture leads through the sales funnel and close more deals.  

There are a few key reasons why inbound marketing works so well for B2B companies. First, inbound strategies are focused on providing relevant and helpful content that speaks to the needs of your ideal customers. This helps you attract the right leads and build trust with potential customers. Second, inbound marketing is highly targeted, which means you can reach your ideal customers with laser-like precision. And finally, inbound marketing is flexible and scalable, so you can easily adjust your strategies as your business grows.  

Of course, all of these advantages are something any business could use. In B2B in particular, however, and the unique challenges it poses to a business, they are more relevant than ever!  

Inbound for lead generation

Generating leads is essential for the success of any business, big or small. However, the process of generating leads can often be complex and time-consuming. One way to simplify the process is to use inbound lead generation.

When it comes to lead generation, inbound marketing fits the bill perfectly; it is by default all about attracting strangers and turning them into qualifying leads, and eventually customers. Inbound lead generation is a digital marketing strategy that focuses on creating and sharing content that attracts prospects to your website and encourages them to take action.

By producing relevant and valuable content, you can build trust and authority with your target audience, ultimately driving more leads and sales. When used effectively, inbound lead generation can be an extremely powerful tool for growing your business.

Inbound for SaaS

For a long time, the standard model for selling software was outbound: Make a list of potential customers, reach out to them through cold calls or emails, and hope that some fraction of them become paying customers. In recent years, however, a new model has emerged: inbound for SaaS.

Rather than actively seeking out potential customers, businesses allow them to find you and come to you themselves. This is usually done through SEO-optimized content and helpful resources that position your company as a thought leader in your industry. Once you’ve attracted visitors to your website, you can then use targeted digital marketing to convert them into leads and customers.

Thanks to how well it fits SaaS, the inbound approach is more effective and efficient than outbound selling, and it’s quickly becoming the preferred method for selling software as a service.

See how inbound marketing can make your business take off, too, starting today! 

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What is inbound marketing? 

Inbound marketing is a type of marketing that, unlike other, more traditional outbound marketing approaches, focuses on changing your marketing message and attracting customers to your business rather than chasing down leads.   

Based on an intimate understanding of the sales process, your buyer personas, and their buying journey, inbound marketing work aims to create relevant content that your target audiences will find interesting and helpful. Such content includes blog posts, social media updates, e-books, webinars, and more.  

Inbound efforts are about creating relevant content that people will actually want to see and read, content that will be of real value to them and that will help them in some way. That’s what inbound does different when it comes to customer acquisition. Creating valuable content can be very effective because it builds trust and credibility with potential customers. And at its heart, a successful inbound marketing strategy revolves around customer relationships. 

How can the inbound methodology help my business grow?

The ultimate goal of your inbound marketing efforts is not just to attract more potential buyers, but to make sure the best possible leads gravitate to your business by themselves.

Instead of stopping at that, however, inbound marketing strategy takes it one step further. By using a unique methodology consisting of three distinct phases, inbound marketing aims at gaining your target audience’s attention, nurturing your relationships with them over time, providing further value, and building long-term business relationships based on mutual trust.

This method results in happier customers and better company outcomes. Customers who are more satisfied with your product or service are more likely to buy from you again, and they will also recommend your products and services to others, offering you free word-of-mouth promotion.

Bottom line, If you want to expand your business in a more efficient way, the inbound strategy is definitely worth considering, no matter the niche, size, or specific needs of your company.

The three phases of inbound marketing

Inbound marketing strategies take a whole-funnel approach to marketing that revolves around creating valuable long-term connections and relationships with your target audience of potential customers.   

In order to do that, inbound marketing efforts begin with attracting strangers and end with delighting customers. This is done through following the three steps of inbound methodology – attract, engage, and delight.  

the three phases of inbound marketing

The Attract phase

Inbound marketing efforts are all about attracting qualified leads, and this is how you go about that. During the Attract phase, your main goal is to draw more visitors to your site, make sure they’re familiar with your product or service, and answer any questions they may have.  

The Engage phase  

Alright, you’ve attracted visitors. Now what? Well, now you have to talk to them. The Engage phase is all about that: exploring the visitor’s individual needs, communicating with them in specific, personalized ways, and offering them the best experience possible.  

The Delight phase 

So you’ve closed the deal and turned your visitors into customers. Is that where it ends? Definitely not. Now it’s time to double down on your efforts to create value for them, make sure their needs are met, and provide them with an overall great experience.   

That way you’ll not only turn them into loyal followers of your brand, but also your own personal promoters who will gladly share that great experience with others!  

The simple genius of inbound methodology 

Despite the great results it can bring, the greatest strength of the inbound methodology lies in its pure simplicity. There are no complicated strategies or Jedi mind tricks here; the more success customers have with your product or service, the more likely they are to pass the word along to others and tell them about your business.  

Yes, it’s simple as that.  

In fact, that positive word-of-mouth is the lifeblood of inbound marketing strategies. It’s what will bring new prospects to your business and start the three phases of attract, delight, and engage from scratch, in turn creating a new generation of customer success stories and a new wave of positive word-of-mouth.  

Once it has gained enough momentum, this self-sustaining loop becomes the force that constantly propels your business growth to new heights. It’s how the inbound methodology works, how it builds a strong, cost-effective, and sustainable foundation for your flywheel.   

Creating value and providing your customers with extraordinary experiences is how you fuel that flywheel and make sure it can keep on going on indefinitely.   

As it gains ever-increasing momentum, so will your business!

What is the Flywheel? 

The flywheel model is a business strategy that focuses on creating a sustainable competitive advantage for a company. The model is based on the idea that a company can achieve long-term success by continuously building up its momentum and keeping its competitive edge.   

This can be done by investing in initiatives that improve customer loyalty, employee satisfaction, and product quality. The goal is to create a virtuous circle in which each of these factors reinforces the others, leading to continued growth and profitability.  

inbound marketing growth

While the flywheel model is not a silver bullet for success, it can be a powerful framework for thinking about how to create long-term value for a company. It has been adopted by several wildly successful companies, including Amazon, Walmart, and Starbucks.  

Hubspot, in particular, has taken the flywheel model, integrated it into its core philosophy, and turned it into an art form.  

Besides being a market leader in everything that has to do with inbound marketing education, Hubspot also offers a great all-in-one platform of tools that can help you with every step of your inbound marketing strategy, from creating content to tracking your results. Combine that with great customer support and an easy-to-use interface, and you have the tool that can truly help you take your business to the next level.  

inbound marketing hubspot

Start building your inbound strategy today  

Let’s talk inbound


That’s a tricky question, and it doesn’t have a straightforward answer. Both have their pros and cons, but in general, inbound marketing tends to be more effective for most businesses.

Outbound marketing takes a more traditional approach, involving activities like cold calling or direct mail. While this can still be effective, it is often less so than inbound marketing. The reason for this is that customers are becoming increasingly resistant to traditional advertising techniques. Outbound marketing also requires more resources, which often makes it difficult for small businesses.
On the other hand, new customers are more likely to trust a company that they have found on their own and that has earned their attention through providing quality content. For this reason, the way inbound marketing attracts customers and new leads is often the better option for most businesses.
Time has shown, however, that nearly half of the companies that implement inbound marketing efforts see a 25 percent greater return on investment (ROI) on those programs than companies that do not.   

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the right marketing strategy will vary depending on your business’s individual goals and needs. However, inbound marketing can be a great choice for businesses that are looking to attract more qualified leads and build long-term relationships with their customers.
What’s more, inbound marketing strategies are highly adaptable and can be implemented for businesses of any kind, size, or budget. In any case, if you’re looking for a more efficient and effective way to market your business, then inbound marketing is definitely something you should consider.  

One of the most common questions we get at our digital marketing agency is, “How much does inbound marketing cost?” The answer, of course, depends on a number of factors, including the size and scope of your project.

There are some general guidelines that can help you budget for an inbound marketing campaign. First, consider the cost of content creation. This will include things like blog posts, e-books, infographics, and videos. Next, factor in the cost of promotion, which will include social media ads and paid search ads. Finally, don’t forget to budget for your time and effort. Inbound marketing is a hands-on process, so be sure to factor in the cost of your own time and labor.

Still, it is a fact that inbound marketing strategies do not have the same up-front costs as traditional marketing tactics, and can easily be adapted to your business needs and budget. What’s more, when treated as a long-term investment in your business, the ROI of inbound marketing is higher than that of almost any other marketing approach. 

The answer is – it depends. We have clients who have seen very substantial results in just a few short weeks, and that’s always possible. Those kinds of results, though, are the exception rather than the rule.
Inbound marketing can usually take some time to generate results, as it relies on building relationships and trust with potential customers. However, if done correctly, it can be an extremely effective way of generating new business. Moreover, once you have built up a successful inbound marketing campaign, it can continue to generate results long into the future.  

Oh, believe us, you will know. Numbers don’t lie!
One of the strengths of inbound marketing compared to more traditional approaches is that it’s result-centric and data-driven, and its KPIs are easier to track. The regular reports you will receive will be more than enough to show not only whether your inbound marketing strategy is successful, but also which parts of it are performing the best.  

In short, the answer is yes. Inbound marketing can be used in addition to your current strategy to help you attract more leads, close more deals, and grow your business.

Even if you’re seeing success with your current digital marketing efforts, inbound can help you take things to the next level. By aligning your marketing and sales teams, optimizing your website for keywords, and creating targeted compelling content, the inbound business methodology can help you attract customers, generate more leads, and close more sales.  

In general, outbound marketing involves interrupting potential customers with advertising messages, while inbound marketing focuses on creating content that potential customers will find valuable and relevant. So where does paid media and PPC (pay-per-click) advertising fit into this equation?
PPC is a type of outbound marketing, but it can also be an effective tool for driving inbound traffic to your website. Unlike traditional outbound methods like television or print advertising, PPC allows you to target potential customers with laser precision. You can choose to display your ads only to people who are actively searching for keywords related to your business, which means that they’re already interested in what you have to offer.

What this means is that while PPC is not necessarily integral to an inbound marketing campaign, it’s a valuable and powerful tool that can fit nicely in the inbound marketing methodology and work to supplement your other inbound marketing efforts. 

SEO is short form for “Search engine optimization”. It is a process of optimizing a website to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPS), thereby increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to the site. By default, the philosophy behind good SEO practices shares a lot of common ground with the inbound methodology.
So yes, an SEO strategy can be considered as one part of the larger umbrella term called inbound marketing. We could say that SEO is a part of inbound marketing, but inbound marketing is not only limited to SEO.

Thus, we can say that while all inbound marketing includes SEO, not all SEO is inbound marketing.  

HubSpot is an inbound marketing platform that helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. The platform includes tools for managing website content, social media, search engine optimization, and email marketing. HubSpot also offers a marketing automation and CRM system for collecting customer data and tracking sales pipeline progress.
In addition to its marketing capabilities, HubSpot has become a leading provider of educational resources on inbound marketing and sales tactics. As a result, it is widely considered to be one of the most influential companies in the field of digital marketing.

As a result, HubSpot is an excellent platform for companies that are serious about growing their business through inbound marketing.  

If you’re looking to plan and implement an inbound marketing strategy, the first step is to understand what inbound marketing is and how it differs from traditional marketing methods. Once you have a solid understanding of inbound marketing principles, you can start creating content that will help you reach your target audience and keep them engaged with your business.

By far the most effective and efficient way to go about using inbound marketing to grow and expand your business, however, is to partner up with an inbound marketing agency.

At iTrust, we just so happen to have a team of digital marketing professionals and inbound marketers, and ready to help you achieve your business goals!  

Talk to us today!