From his adolescence, Sakis spent a lot of time in front of a computer screen trying to learn everything about the WEB. That’s when he decided that the computer and internet field is what he would like to take up as a profession when he grew up.
He is a graduate of the Department of Computer Engineering and Telecommunications of the University of Thessaly and holds a master’s degree from the International University of Greece in the field of Digital Marketing.

He was first introduced to the world of technology and code, but very soon realized that Digital Marketing is of greater interest to him. When the metrics and KPIs started “talking” to him, he then started being actively involved with the Performance part. Every day he is in advertising accounts trying to find the slightest point of optimization.

He adores traveling to near and far away destinations and loves music. In his leisure time he watches movies and series and explores new flavors of not only the Greek but also foreign cuisines.