
Beethoven Klinik Koeln

Success Story

The sound of beauty

The switch from offline advertising to digital is paying off for Beethoven Klinik, growing the brand’s market share and expanding its commercial activity.


Increase in revenue in 1 year

The Story

A Brave New World for Beethoven

Beethoven before its collaboration with iTrust was heavily investing in offline advertising and channels that proved to be ineffective. Some timid digital marketing steps with another agency had disappointing results. Beethoven knew that its six-figure ad budget was wasted in the wrong media. The clinic’s audience was elsewhere. Eager and wallet-at-the-ready to transform their life.

The Goal

Improve visibility. Check. Grow Customer Base, Check.

Beethoven sought a digital strategy partner that could understand its audience behavior and needs. Someone that could help Beethoven acquire a presence in the right media and on the right channels.


Digital Strategy
Search Engine Marketing
Search Engine Optimization
Content Marketing
Social Media Marketing


Build Brand Awareness
Increase Industry Market Share
Business Growth

Switching to digital advertising proved to be the most lucrative decision we’ve made in the last 10 years. We now know that offline advertising could never offer us the targeting and measurability of online marketing. I believe that new technologies aren’t a silver bullet. You need an agency that shares your passion and ambitions.
[name] surname, [Title], Beethoven Klinik

A symphony worth listening to

Research of the vertical, customer behavior, and business intelligence allowed iTrust to craft a strategy that could resonate with Beethoven’s target market. Our agency offered an end-to-end digital strategy with a conscious focus on SEO/SEM to improve Beethoven’s ranking positions and grab its German market share in the competitive industry of cosmetic surgery.

Their Success

A success sweet as a Beethoven symphony

SEO and digital advertising was a winning combination for Beethoven. Within a year, the cosmetic surgery clinic doubled its revenue by improving its search engine visibility and offering appealing content that its target market was thirsty for. In 2014, the directors of Beethoven Klinik trusted us in a partnership for 2 medical startups.