Our debut in russian is now online!

Finally! After several weeks of designing and programming, redesigning and reprogramming, checking and rechecking… it is online!

It was not long ago when the CEO of Pantheon Praxisklinik in Germany gave us a call and informed us about his new Project:

Creating a website in Russian!

Well, we don’t like to brag (okay, maybe just a little!) but having created the german version of the company’s website, and having successfully applied SEO techniques that place the website in the first result page of all search engines in all queries related to aesthetic and plastic surgery, it came as no surprise that he chose to cooperate with itrust again.

Thankfully, we weren’t expected to translate the website! The translations were ready and proofread as well.. but creating a website that uses the cyrillic alphabet sure was a challenge! And we are proud to say that our team managed once again to live up to the company’s expectations and complete the project in good time!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we proudly present you our first website entirely in Russian!

Пантеон Praxisklinik в Германии

or in the more familiar Latin alphabet:

Pantheon Praxisklinik in Germany