E-volution Awards 2019: iTrust is awarded for the fourth year in a row!

4 is our indeed our lucky number…!

4 entries.

4 consecutive years on the winners’ podium.

4 awards at the 2019 E-volution Awards!

On Wednesday 12th of December, the E-volution Awards Ceremony was held for the 8th consecutive year. By organizing these awards, Marketing Week and Boussias Communications in partnership with ELTRUN and under the auspices of GR.E.CA, sought to reward digital marketing best practices in e-commerce.

Above the clouds with Airshop

Airshop.gr | BRONZE E-volution Award 2019: SEO Strategy

Thanks to its proper management and mostly the deep knowledge of the field, Airshop achieved to increase the organic traffic in its online platform and therefore win a SEO Strategy award, standing out among various entries in the E-volution Awards 2019.

In a highly competitive industry where profit margins are usually extremely low, Airshop seized the opportunity and invested in a long-term SEO strategy. Given the industry and the requirements, the SEO strategy for Airshop required a holistic, enterprise approach.

So, we focused on important ranking factors that would not only differentiate Airshop from its competitors on the SERPs, but also would have an impact on the users’ interaction with the brand.

Enterprise SEO tools, such as Searchmetrics, Screaming Frog, SEO Powersuite and CognitiveSEO as well were employed to develop Airshop’s SEO strategy.

The results of the holistic SEO re-approach have had a positive impact on Airshop’s overall presence in organic SERPs. In the first 9 months of 2018, Airshop saw a 70.4% increase in organic traffic compared to the previous year. Average market value was increased by 91.4%, with the total sales being increased up to 187.9% compared to the previous year.

Airshop.gr | SILVER E-volution Award 2019: Operations & Back Office

Airshop provides an all-in-one automated system of ticketing, accommodation booking and business events worldwide at competitive prices. Having to manage a constantly growing volume of daily bookings and transactions, there was a need to automate booking management, issuance and pricing processes through a web management platform.

The use of the Automated Ticket Publishing System (ATPS) for the evaluation, automated release & dispatch of airline tickets has enabled Airshop to release significant resources that were previously used to manually manage bookings. As the released resources were used to improve UX and enrich the website content with useful information, this redistribution of resources was translated into a 72.24% increase in website conversion rate and a 128.7% increase in revenue.

Through continuous optimization and learning of the ATPS algorithm, Airshop has been able to automate the issuance of 75% -80% of airline bookings – from its first 9 months of implementation – far exceeding its original expectations and goals. This Automation system saved more than 900 man-hours monthly for Airshop, which can now be used in other operations, confirming the success of the implementation.

Airshop.gr | BRONZE E-volution Award 2019: Technological Innovation

Airshop’s advanced all-in-one innovation rightfully earned a place on the podium of the 2019 E-volution Awards.

User Experience

Airshop, in collaboration with iTrust, focused on providing improved customer service and upgraded user experience. This goal had been achieved with the help of the insights and data that came straight from the website’s high daily traffic.

Best Finder Plus & Cross-GDS flights combination

An important part of Airshop’s technological innovation were the Best Finder Plus (BFP) and Cross-Global Distribution Systems flight combination capabilities. BFP is Airshop’s only rating system that uses a special flight classification algorithm based on scores derived from a specific series of factors. Along with BFP, the Cross-GDS came to upgrade the innovation systems of Airshop, by enabling the possibility of combining flights of different airlines even from different G.D.S. Both of these technologies aim to optimize the user experience and provide lower cost tickets.

Customer-Centered Strategies lead to distinctions!

KMax | Distinction in eCommerce

KMax Milano Greece Distinction in eCommerce 2018

The implementation of a strategy based on building relationships of trust and credibility has led to the distinction of KMax in the e-commerce industry.

The strategy focuses on the customer journey and the improvement of each stage. The driving force behind our approach was authentic, user-friendly content, in all its forms, perfectly tailored to the users’ personas and interests.

The implementation of a user-focused strategy that was based on user’s concerns was proved to be extremely effective by its own results, exceeding any of our expectations.

We did it!

We at iTrust always aim to keep up with the latest trends in the field of Digital Marketing in order to provide more innovative and useful services to our clients, while putting our own signature on the e-business development in our country.

It is our great pleasure to support companies that set clear goals for their growth and development and can akwoledge the value that their actions can bring.

Airshop τεχνολογική καινοτομία βράβευση στα evolution awards 2019

Airshop.gr βράβευση στα Evolution awards 2019

Watch the E-volution Awards 2019 Ceremony here:

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