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Social Media Advertising

Social media are now lucrative, targeted advertising platforms.

Social media are now lucrative, targeted advertising platforms. Some even go as far as say that social media marketing is social media advertising.
Gain exposure, traffic and sales from Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads and other ad-supported media to cut through the noise created by your competitors.

Facebook Advertising

Facebook gets the lion’s share of digital advertising budgets. That comes as no surprise considering it has about 1,15 billion daily active users.

Facebook offers great targeting opportunities to begin with. Suddenly having the opportunity to place your brand front and center in a newsfeed next to a user’s friend’s updates and family chats is an unprecedented achievement the network grants you.

At iTrust we’ve run thousands of Facebook ad campaigns that increased exposure and drove sales for our clients.

Social media are fast-becoming an advertising battleground for brands. To stay ahead of your competition and increase your market share you need more aggressive marketing techniques and that’s exactly what Facebook advertising offers you.

Our social media marketers optimize Facebook ad campaigns giving you more bang for your buck. Every cent spend on Facebook advertising is accounted for and measured giving us actionable insights on how to improve further each campaign for maximum impact.

Why Facebook Advertising is so popular (read effective)

Facebook Advertising lets you reach highly targeted audiences with a small budget and with full control over the ad buying process.

Facebook has over 2,01 billion monthly users and a portion of that is looking for a product or service you’re offering.

Optimize your campaigns according to your marketing goals. Whether your aim is to increase conversions for your eshop, get more app downloads or video views you can tailor your campaigns to that objective.

Small budgets, big results. With a small monthly budget your brand can reach segmented audiences based on location, interests, demographics, device used and other characteristics. Targeting singles in Athens? Checked. Targeting women over 45 years old interested in anti-aging skincare? Checked. No matter your audience, Facebook lets you reach it.

Optimize for impressions or clicks. Do you need more people to become aware of your offerings or brand, or do you want them to add to cart? Facebook gives you the opportunity to choose CPC (cost per click) or CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions).

Reaching the right customer, at the right time cannot but yield the desired action from them. Your ads are integrated in users’ Newsfeeds offering them a pleasant, seamless interaction with you brand and make them receptive to your calls for action.

Go Mobile. As of May 2015, Facebook has 1,248 monthly mobile active users, This is a market segment you want to reach and Facebook grants you this opportunity with Facebook ads.

A/B test advertising for maximum impact. Facebook’s advanced Power Editor lets you test the effectiveness of an ad by having it run in several versions, changing one thing at a time. This way you get to know which CTA converts better, which picture gets more clicks and which ad copy has the most engagement.