Cook At Home

cook at home provil

Mom, what’s for dinner?

Cook at Home aka Homemade, wholesome food. Adding flavor and speed to everyday cooking, FMCG brand, Cook At Home shows us you don’t need chef-level skills to prepare delicious meals that don’t take ages to prepare. Burger instant mixes, marinates and seafood sauces make cooking a piece of cake.

Cook at Home

Did someone say, food?

Is it dinner time, yet?

Food for Your Soul

With the brand already enjoying a physical presence across Greece and in several supermarket chains and delis, the next step was to achieve higher market penetration.

Nice to meat you!

In collaboration with Cook at Home we arrived at the ideal marketing mix that would allow a national Digital Activation. The goal was to create awareness on the range of products Cook at Home offers and position the brand alongside established household name brands.

Video marketing & advertising was at the very core of our marketing mix. To establish Cook at Home as the go-to digital destination for cooking inspiration and tips, we had to offer timely, entertaining content that would not just resonate with users’ life but that would also move them; move them to get creative in the kitchen, eat homemade food more often, and put trust in their own cooking skills. The brand offers the know-how and the innovative products that made all three possible.


So, we are cook[ing] at home thanks to fun video recipes that show how delicious, homemade food is a matter of choosing the right ally in the kitchen!

From video how-tos on YouTube and Instagram to online recipes on your favorite lifestyle website or Facebook Newsfeed, the brand is present in those significant micro-moments in which users seek inspiration, cooking tips and the urge to opt for home-made food.


Digital Marketing Strategy & Consultation
Performance Marketing 
Google Adwords
Video Advertising
Social Media Marketing
Content Marketing