Peak Awards 2018: Another distinction for iTrust and NN Hellas

On Tuesday 3 of July, was hosted the second in a row annual Peak Performance Marketing Awards Ceremony of 2018

The event this year was featured by Boussias Communications and Marketing Week. Their goal was to nominate the best marketing agencies in Greece and raise awareness about the importance of performance marketing.

And the Peakie goes to…

In the last 3 years iTrust has been nominated for multiple Evolution Awards in various fields. This time we accomplished something we never been able to do before, we took second place in Peak Awards. This was a proof that we were on the right path of doing things and one step closer in achieving greatness.

Our collaboration with NN Hellas brought us the second place award for the “Best SEO Campaign”. That award was a spark of happiness and mostly a recognition of our efforts.

Bigger, better things are coming

Our continuous work with NN Hellas and our awards have set the bar high. We are constantly looking for new marketing strategies and innovations in order to serve our clients better, with SEO and Content Marketing being just a fragment of the services we offer and try restlessly to improve.

This award is a proof that with focused efforts and carefully planned strategies, success is a matter of time.

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